If you would like to show the location from phones running TC Mobile in Tablet Command, follow the directions below

Note:  Location from Phones is supported, but requires the feature to be enabled by a Tablet Command employee for the account.  Enabling this feature means that location from personal BYOD phones running TC Mobile could be shared into the account and be viable by all Tablet Command users in the customer account.  We are sensitive to the privacy implications of this which is why the setting is disabled by default for an account.
  1. Ensure that the phone is set to share location to Tablet Command in the devices privacy settings.  If you want the location to be shared even if the device is locked or running a different application, enable share location always.  This will reduce battery life and is not 100% reliable in the background as the operating system controls how and when to send location data back to Tablet Command.

  2. In the Tablet Command Web Portal, go to Admin Settings > Users and select the user whose location you would like to show on the map.

  3. Set the Map ID to the label you would like to see on the map. For example “TC1”

  4. Ensure that Share Location (Phone) is enabled